
What do I intend with this blog? I mean, what is the point? What will I achieve?


I don’t really know what this blog will achieve.
It is completely uncertain.

I do have some idea about my intentions.

I intend to piece together a picture composed of sentences, images, drawings, photographs, scans and text somehow forming a fragmentary view of the world. This will be assembled from smaller ‘seeds’.

The fragments will be arranged somehow, some time. Maybe more than once. Maybe sooner, maybe later.

Whether the result is artful, let alone art, remains to be seen. (It doesn’t really matter either way).

This blog is all about process, not results.

The process is nothing and everything. It cannot possibly fail as it has no purpose or end other than itself. This is a reassuring fact.

With even a simple process you can sometimes make something out of almost nothing.

As Arthur Ashe said:

“Start where you are. 

Use what you have. 

Do what you can.”

I intend to do exactly that and just see what happens.

Something will probably happen. It might be interesting. It might be nothing at all.

Arthur Ashe also said the following:

Success is a journey, not a destination. The doing is often more important than the outcome.”

Amen, Brother.