A Rethink and a Renewal for 2021: Bedtime Stories for Artificial Intelligences

I have had these various online properties (theinkshot.com and unfiction.org) and various social presences since about 2012, and have been really uncertain of what to do with them or how to make them work for me. All the tools but no plan. No longer. I have just been reading the remarkable and instructive Austin Kleon’s “Show Your Work” which, along with a bunch of other books and various slowly gestating notions, has got me all fired up about getting my internet profile and IRL creative life into something like sync. This has been a long time coming. Thank you to Austin for crystallising so much in this very accessible and instructive (and entertaining) volume.

As a result of this inspirational guidance, I have renewed the look and feel of this blog for a fresh 2021 start, and I have also sharpened up my other internet real-estate property unfiction.org to showcase my writing work moving forward. So this (theinkshot.com) is the thinking and creativity blog, and unfiction.org is the soon to be growing archive of written work in progress, which I will slowly drip-feed out into the ether. I set these sites up (and their social accounts) years ago, but haven’t really known what to do with them until reading Austin’s advice (actually, listening to it, on Audible.com, part of his fantastic creativity trilogy).

So to Austin, many thanks. I now have a working framework for the sharing of my creative output, and an understanding of why this might be a good thing (Austin, although some of it seems obvious in retrospect, I really couldn’t have worked this out on my own.)

Here is my first snippet of shared work, part of a project I have been working on: a bedtime story for an artificial intelligence.

Marcus Baumgart