A Lovely Chat with a Clever Friend
Yesterday I had a very delightful and deeply energising experience.
I was interviewed by my dear friend Amanda Henderson, the founder of the creative powerhouse Gloss Creative. I first met Amanda over a decade ago, on a writing gig, about her and her Glossarium - and we hit it off immediately. She is the closest thing I have to a personal motivator and muse, and has been so supportive in my meandering personal creative journey. She is a Good Egg.
The interview was for her podcast series on creativity, The Creative Trust, which is in its second season. Find it on Spotify (naughty) or the Apple Podcast app, or anywhere you source your ear candy of the pods.
As is our wont, we had a rambling, lovely fireside chat, in the best tradition of nattering away and getting to the nub of things. We talked writing, designing buildings, what it means to be lightly qualified and/or unregistered in a sea of Serious Professionals, childhood, playing with Lego and many other things.
Episode will be up late February. Feel the love!
In the meantime, visit The Glossarium on Insta