Accepting all that comes into the mind and body.

I could think of a thousand topics to write about but right now none would hold my attention. I am distracted.

When I meditate I sometimes feel confused. My mind is often, but not always, turbulent. I have heard and read many times that this is expected and not at all unusual.

Avoiding it is not the point. The point is not to attempt to smooth out the convolutions of your thoughts, or to really quiet the mind, so much as to be welcoming and accepting of all that comes to you. This includes thoughts, sensory feelings, physical sensations, sounds, impulses and emotions. Anything at all.

It’s called equanimity.

That’s the point: to be at home to all comers. Accept how things are. Start where you are right now. Accept the turbulent mind, the confused mind, the distraction. Welcome it all.

Ha! Easier said than done, but it is like a ritual: you pretend it is working, doing it even when you think it isn’t working, and somehow that kind of makes it work.


Marcus Baumgart