Moment 2021.12.27 REDUX: I do not want to make films: I love this!

This is a real insight. I value it.

I have so few practical constraints on my creativity that to come up against a firm NO is liberating and prompting of personal insights. I DO NOT want to make films. (I am not kidding myself, I know I couldn’t make films without directorial training, money, backers, insight into the art, a natural propensity for cinema, etc. - and a host of other things I don’t have, but I truly do not want to have any of these things.)


I am working out what I want to do slowly (basically over the last 50 years) by determining what I do not want to do. I loved writing those scanned pages in the café in Albert Park, with my messy, expressive handwriting - that is what I want to do! To write! Longhand, touch typing, script, copperplate - all of the above.

And drawing too. Modest aspirations, easily satisfied.