New Horizons in 2023: Looking Ahead
In the next 12 months I will be recording the skies over docklands, and the horizon and the light on the buildings, with regularity, as a last hurrah. This is because I am most likely moving away from my million dollar view in early 2023.
My Docklands tenure has been wonderful, it’s an under-rated place, I love seeing the sky and the view every moment of every day. However, it is time to move into more commodious accommodation that is easier for my 81 year old mother to get to and share with me when she visits. The two bedroom apartment I am in won’t cut it, when you are 80 it is a bit too hard to share a bedroom with a study, and climb in and out of a temporary sofa bed.
I will miss the view, but on the plus side my new apartment should fit all of my books, including the ones I have out now (stacked on walls, floor, chairs) PLUS the 30 boxes of books I have in storage. I haven’t seen those one for more than seven years. I miss them.
So I will have two bedrooms, a dedicated study, and a living and dining area slightly bigger than what I have at the moment. What I won’t have is a monumental view of the horizon. This is OK: when I lived on Collins Street in the CBD, I happily made do with a small strip of sky and cloud. I will see more sky in the new apartment than that, so I believe I will cope.
So get ready for twelve more months of enthusiastic record-keeping as I do my final year of documentation of the view and the sky that I have loved so dearly.
One day later: Lightning brewing in the western sky