Farewell Steve

Steve jobs launching the ipad

He was, by all accounts, driven, uncompromising and difficult to work with. Still, he did some cool stuff. I have to confess to being a Mac Tragic. I use Mac products for work and for personal stuff. At last count I have owned about 9 iMacs/MacPros/Macbooks/Macbook Pros of various vintage, and a range of iPads, iPods and iPhones. I still have four iPods in current use, including a Classic with everything on it, and an older nano that lives in my car and talks to my car stereo. This post was written on a 27 inch iMac, and chances are you are reading it on a Mac.

Yes, Apple has made its mark, and I have personally contributed an uncomfortable amount to Steve's estate. Not that I hold a grudge about that. So, anyway, thanks Steve - glad you could make it to planet Earth. Sorry you had to leave so soon.
historyMarcus Baumgart