A day at home spent writing

I just wanted to share the writing corner I have set up in my apartment. I finally got my act together and tidied up the writing desk, and stopped it being a dumping ground for stray items, something I am prone to inflict upon all horizontal surfaces. I have moved the lamp to get some decent light on the page, and I have my digital photo frame scrolling through images of my trip to Italy.  A beautiful etching by my printmaker friend Anita Bragge hangs above the clock; the clock used to belong to my grandmother. The window to my immediate left when I am seated gives me a view of the heads of pedestrians bobbing along the street; this is Little Collins Street, and it is busy on a week day, quieter on a weekend. I am slowly assembling a homely, cosy haven in my little eyrie above the street - the next addition is going to be a fireplace suitable for apartments. I have sourced one that will complete my winter picture nicely, when I can scrape together the money for it. All in all, not a bad first day of winter, and warm enough and sunny in Melbourne, even if the light is a flat cold blue outside.