Posts tagged La Trobe Reading Room
Extracurricular and curricular activities

In one of my other lives, the one that doesn’t blog about writing and reading or do design projects at an urban scale, I am a teacher. This semester I am teaching design to architecture students at RMIT University here in Melbourne, Australia. The theme for our semester-long design studio Is the ‘uncanny house’, a theme that is close to my heart. I love the sense of the uncanny even more than the sense of the sublime; it is a state of mind and aspect of our internal landscapes, and external world, that sparks my imagination.

The uncanny is a sense or state of mind given much thought by Freud, who wrote a significant essay on the topic. I won’t confess to my students (some of whom might find me confessing in this blog anyway) that I have not yet read the full text of Freud’s essay. It’s on my to-do list for the State Library, which will undoubtedly have a copy; I might go there this weekend. Writing and reading in the La Trobe reading room (pictured above) is a wonderful experience; cool air, silence and such wonderful light in a soaring volume. 

My students will be designing an uncanny house for a client who was a historical figure near the site, which is out in the forest northwest of Melbourne - a Dr. Gweneth Wisewould. Dr. Wisewould is a fascinating woman who died in 1972; she will be our client for the house design, represented by me in her posthumous absence. Dr. Wisewould liked to wear men’s clothing, and was something of a bohemian in Melbourne before moving to the country in 1938. All things considered, she is a fitting and robust figure to base a design exercise around. I suspect she will be a demanding client, as well.

Some time in the midst of all the work and teaching, I will have to find time to write - in the usual haunts, which now include a rotation in the library of the RACV Club on Bourke Street. I have become a member of this private club, and they have a delightful library, a nice high space filled with books and light. I confess I have been writing there more than in cafes in recent times. Never mind!