Physical Labour & a Slightly Weird State of Mind

Yesterday I spent seven hours doing some light demolition work on an office tenancy. I am really not accustomed to physical labour nowadays, but apart from a couple of blisters and some aching muscles, it was perfectly ok. I didn’t collapse and got through the day.

One day later I find myself in a still-slightly-transformed state of mind. Non-physical labour is easy in many ways, and doing a day of physical stuff reminds me of this. More physical stress in this case equated to less emotional stress. This is not always the way, but it was yesterday. I feel - just a bit floaty. (A poor description really.)

So nothing profound, no permanent shift to the left or right, or up or down: just a bit weird and strangely in-my-head despite the modest but sustained dose of light exercise. I can report that there is nothing particularly cathartic about pulling up dusty carpet and dislodging nail-boards that have been firmly fixed into a slab. It’s all a bit of a slog in the absence of actually swinging a sledge hammer at a drywall, which would be more fun but generate even more mess to clean up.

Still quite satisfying. Now on to a more sedentary week.