Posts in other stuff
Physical Labour & a Slightly Weird State of Mind

Yesterday I spent seven hours doing some light demolition work on an office tenancy. I am really not accustomed to physical labour nowadays, but apart from a couple of blisters and some aching muscles, it was perfectly ok. I didn’t collapse and got through the day.

One day later I find myself in a still-slightly-transformed state of mind. Non-physical labour is easy in many ways, and doing a day of physical stuff reminds me of this. More physical stress in this case equated to less emotional stress. This is not always the way, but it was yesterday. I feel - just a bit floaty. (A poor description really.)

So nothing profound, no permanent shift to the left or right, or up or down: just a bit weird and strangely in-my-head despite the modest but sustained dose of light exercise. I can report that there is nothing particularly cathartic about pulling up dusty carpet and dislodging nail-boards that have been firmly fixed into a slab. It’s all a bit of a slog in the absence of actually swinging a sledge hammer at a drywall, which would be more fun but generate even more mess to clean up.

Still quite satisfying. Now on to a more sedentary week.

15 Years in Prison for Sharing this Image in Russia

The least we can do is literally deface this butcher. Or perhaps I mean re-face. A bit of eyeshadow, lippy, so much the better.

Unfortunately for most of us, we think that this is the most that we can do. So: rather than feeling powerless and defeated by these terrible events, donate to the Red Cross.

I know it’s not the only charity helping people in Ukraine, but in the current crisis it is really hard to separate the good operators from the conspiracy theorists, alt-right profiteers, freelance nazi battalions and outright scammers.

Maybe stick with the Red Cross (make up your own mind though). And, if you will forgive the language, Fuck You, Putin.

AND while we are on world events, let’s not forget the US track record with violently overthrowing democratically elected governments for ideological reasons. Argentina 1975: one of many. Look it up. Start here but go elsewhere.