I’ve been thinking.
This website is my biggest project to date. It has about 13 years of my efforts invested in it if one enfolds the previous incarnations, theflawedmind.com and theinkshot.com. This is my digital home, my personal channel and creative vehicle, and my most direct medium of communication and thinking.
Such a thing requires constant tuning, and I have been doing some thinking about the structure of my web presence here.
This blog site, marcusbaumgart.com, is currently comprised of two blogs: the personal blog, and the so-called ‘New Project’ blog, also known as the Book of Uncertainty, found in the menu link above. I am rethinking this split.
The original intention was to keep the Book of Uncertainty as a thing - a separate feed, a quasi-literary undertaking or composition, separated from my random personal musings. The model and inspiration for this is an actual work of literature, the Book of Disquiet by Fernando Pessoa, as I have cited on the secondary blog’s front page.
While I am inspired by Pessoa, and unashamedly seek to emulate his work in some way, things have moved on since the early 20th Century. Perhaps Pessoa would have had a blog, rather than scribbling fragments and leaving them in a trunk to be discovered after his death? Who knows.
So I am questioning this choice, to divide the feed into two blogs.. I no longer think this is the right approach. I think it might be unnecessarily artificial, not to mention diluting, to separate so-called personal writing from what is really equally personal but annoyingly aspirational semi-literary writing in this way. So expect a restructure in the coming days.